Insulating Primer

Insulating Primer

Fast drying insulating primer spray for interior and exterior application on the basis of synthetic resins, with excellent isolation and barrier effect against many different types of stains (especially water stains) on mineral-based substrates (plaster etc.), wood and concrete. Can be painted over with all emulsion paints, alkyd-based, water-based and acrylic paints; not with two-component paints. Adjustable spray cone width (horizontally and vertically).

Application area: Ideal when fastness and mobility are the primary considerations.

Insulating Primer
Insulating Primer


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You can easily even off marks and uneven areas with the one-component NC-Combi-putty.


Also suitable for use on:

Rubbish bins, boilers and other...

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Kreativer Adventskalender

Kreativer Adventskalender

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